Four minor design decisions for REST Query API
PR is addressed in
Former user April 23, 2018 at 10:04 AM
Erik, you were the reporter, could you review and see if there is still something to do regarding this issue.
Thomas Beale April 23, 2018 at 9:38 AM
I won't check personally (100 other PRs to check but I suggest you close this when you think it has been addressed (we can do it like this because we are still pre- 1.0.0 with REST API).
Former user April 23, 2018 at 9:21 AM
I think I included all of these in February, please let me know if I missed one.
Thomas Beale April 23, 2018 at 9:20 AM
We missed this PR in the SEC meeting - needs review.
Bostjan Lah February 14, 2018 at 8:40 AM
1. added a note on this being implementation specific
2. I would leave this out for now
3. changed all to $ syntax
4. all should now be just query_parameter (pls let me know if I missed some)
Erik Sundvall
Erik SundvallComponents
Affects versions
Created February 13, 2018 at 4:25 PM
Updated November 3, 2019 at 3:31 PM
Resolved August 18, 2019 at 11:15 AM
1. Undocumented "fetch" default;
Default for “offset” is 0 (good) but what should be the default for ”fetch”? I assume infinity/all, but thar should be mentioned to avoid implementerts silently trimming off results.
2. Timeout;
Could we assume that a query execution timeout limit, preferrably configurable in implementations, will kill stupidly big queries and send a http error code (400?). If so, then that should be mentioned so that implementers can be expected to handle the error.
3. Prefix for variables;
Should we use : or $ to prefix aql variables? I think AQL spec uses $ and that would be more familiar for developers.
Also ":" can get messed up in bad implementations of URL handling (I guess ":" is a Marand leftover)
4. Inconsistent naming;
Unify naming and style for: dynamic_parameter, dynamic-query-parameters and dynamic_query_parameter