FOLDERs support for clinical research


Currently FOLDERS need to be referenced by an EHR with a 0..1 relationship.
In use cases such as HiGHmed and LHS-Norway patients need to be grouped in cohorts that are assigned to a specific research study. For this FOLDERs need to contain EHRs and not the other way around. Therefore a FOLDER may "contain" (i.e. reference via object_ref) many EHRs.

We need to determine if the RM should be modified for allowing independent FOLDERs to be created without belonging to a EHR or define a separate class that allows for doing so.


HiGHmed & LHS Norway



Diego Bosca April 16, 2024 at 9:57 AM

Yeah, it would probably be a LINK like “patient belong to study with this id”, this could be defined for each patient, not sure if it can be queried

Severin Kohler April 16, 2024 at 9:06 AM

but don’t we related everything to one EHR, usually.
Therefore we would require an object that relates to many EHRs.

Diego Bosca April 12, 2024 at 4:33 PM

haven’t thought exactly where and the implications, but could that be a LINK? maybe the study can live in a shared special EHR filled with admin entries that are the study definitions

Severin Kohler April 12, 2024 at 3:55 PM

Problem is Folder has a nice item_tree field, but when using it you would be required to add the same item_tree to each each EHRs Folder.
Since EHR → Folder and not Folder → EHR.
One big copy pasta for each EHR that relates to the study …

It would be nice to have the logic of a central study register as part of it, yet for this specific issue that is not the question.
Its a question of grouping data and for that tags are doing the trick.

If the item_tree would be kind of linkable that would be nice
Otherwise, one could also see it kind of a demographics thing and simply link the central study register via an URL from the item_tree or whatever.
Anyways i dont see any crucial need here that would justify a RM change.
Therefore, i would suggest closing the ticket (its anyways archieved), since the specific requests mentioned in the issue is solved with tags.

We can open another issue if we really want to be able to represent the logic of a research registry.

Thomas Beale March 14, 2024 at 5:30 AM

Well, if tags cover all bases, all that is needed is to document how to do it. But I don’t think they’ll be sophisticated enough to represent all the meta-data for a clinical study or research project.





Created October 1, 2019 at 9:27 AM
Updated April 16, 2024 at 9:57 AM