Support for Terminology binding author details


There is an emerging requirement to record the details of the authors and reviewers responsible for terminology bindings in archetypes and templates. This requirement is very similar to the existing language authoring support.

After discussion with Heather and Sebastian re CKM requirements , we feel that the eventual ADL might look something like:

bindings_authored = <
["SnomedCT::Release 12345"] = <
author = <
["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
["name"] = <"Sebastian Garde">
["email"] = <"">
["date"] = <"26/01/2010">
["accreditation"] = <"IHTSDO:12345">
other_contributors = <
[1] = <
["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
["name"] = <"Benet Garde">
["email"] = <""
["role"] =<"Terminology co-author">
[2] = <
["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
["name"] = <"Benet Garde">
["email"] = <""
["role"] =<"Terminology reviewer">
other_details = <
["comments"] = <"Awaiting some Snomed term requests from IHTSDO">

original_language = <[ISO_639-1:face with tonguet-br]>
translations = <
["en"] = <
language = <[ISO_639-1::en]>
author = <
["name"] = <"Sergio Miranda Freire">
["organisation"] = <"Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - UERJ">
["email"] = <"">
other_contributors = <
[1] = <
["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
["name"] = <"Benet Garde">
["email"] = <""
["role"] =<"Translation co-author">
["accreditation"] = <"IHTSDO:12345">
[2] = <
["organisation"] = <"University of Heidelberg, Central Queensland University">
["name"] = <"Benet Garde">
["email"] = <""
["role"] =<"Translation reviewer">
["accreditation"] = <"IHTSDO:12345">

The changes that may be required in the RM are

1. RESOURCE_DESCRIPTION change other_contributers attribute to Hash as per (SPECR-24) or will this cause compatibility issues?

2. TRANSLATION_DETAILS - add new attribute: other_contributors HASH (String,String)

3. AUTHORED_RESOURCE - add new attribute : terminology_binding: HASH <TRANSLATION_DETAILS,String>



Ian McNicoll May 8, 2015 at 8:46 AM

+1 in many respects terminology bindings should just be treated like any other language translation.

Koray Atalag May 7, 2015 at 11:18 PM

I'd support this CR



Affects versions


Created February 8, 2010 at 9:43 AM
Updated May 8, 2015 at 8:46 AM

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