LINK class is not Locatable, which prevents defining alternatives and annotations
Several LINKs can be included in the links attribute, but there is no way of referencing their definition in an archetype or template, as LINK is not locatable.
Editors (archetype designer, LinkEHR) give atcodes to each LINK, but this information is lost in the data instance. Not having access to the LINK definition in the archetype hinders some possible solutions to the LINK improvement problem (e.g. adding annotations). It also makes different links unpathable (or being pathable under certain conditions such as no having more than one LINK with the same meaning)
Several LINKs can be included in the links attribute, but there is no way of referencing their definition in an archetype or template, as LINK is not locatable. Editors (archetype designer, LinkEHR) give atcodes to each LINK, but this information is lost in the data instance. Not having access to the LINK definition in the archetype hinders some possible solutions to the LINK improvement problem (e.g. adding annotations). It also makes different links unpathable (or being pathable under certain conditions such as no having more than one LINK with the same meaning)