Redefine POST /ehr to receive an EHR payload instead of an EHR_STATUS payload
All endpoints in the REST API for POST/PUT methods are consistent in terms of the resource provided in the request and the resource retrieved in the response, but POST /ehr, because that one receives an EHR_STATUS to create an EHR, then an EHR is returned in the response.
Wouldn't be more consistent to provide a full EHR object in the request (the SM version of the EHR not the RM version) so the endpoint receives and retrieves the same 'type' of RM object?
All endpoints in the REST API for POST/PUT methods are consistent in terms of the resource provided in the request and the resource retrieved in the response, but POST /ehr, because that one receives an EHR_STATUS to create an EHR, then an EHR is returned in the response. Wouldn't be more consistent to provide a full EHR object in the request (the SM version of the EHR not the RM version) so the endpoint receives and retrieves the same 'type' of RM object?