Specify subsumption semantics for code matching in AQL paths


Currently the default assumption for matching of data to an AQL path is that codes are lexically matched i.e. exactly. This generates an incorrect result, since specialised data with 'dot' (i.e. specialised) codes are not matched. So for example the code at0035 should cause matching of at0035.* (i.e. regex 'at0035\..+').

The AQL specification should state that 'specialised dot matching' should be the default mode of matching codes in AQL path predicates.

NB: this does not include direct lexical matching of codes in '=' expressions within WHERE clause - e.g. “o/node_id = ‘at0003’”

NB: This change applies to any system using archetype paths for querying, not just AQL.



Pieter Bos June 7, 2023 at 10:05 AM

With the following

NB: this does not include direct lexical matching of codes in '=' expressions within WHERE clause.

would that mean a clause in the form of o/node_id = ‘at0003’ ?



Raised By

Sebastian Garde
Sebastian Iancu
Thomas Beale


Affects versions

Created June 7, 2023 at 9:35 AM
Updated June 7, 2023 at 12:11 PM