- Missing 204 responses in some endpointsSPECPR-444
- Missing 204 HTTP status code on POST, PUTSPECPR-441
- Fix name of REST API endpoints "versioned" => "version"SPECPR-428
- Allow managing the new EHR.folders from the REST APISPECPR-411Sebastian Iancu
- Contradictory REST API header docSPECPR-395Sebastian Iancu
- Support creation of compositions with an existing UUIDSPECPR-384Sebastian Iancu
- System_id in the versions of same contribution should all be the sameSPECPR-339Thomas Beale
- Add has_xxx operations to the REST API specSPECPR-307Sebastian Iancu
- POST /composition needs some comments about implicit CONTRIBUTIONSPECPR-305Thomas Beale
- For create compositions on the server, add error if referenced template do not exist on the serverSPECPR-298Resolved issue: SPECPR-298Sebastian Iancu
- Issues on definitions endpointsSPECPR-289Resolved issue: SPECPR-289Sebastian Iancu
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