- ACTIVITY.timing spec needs more definition and XSD should allow complex timing.valueSPECPR-242Resolved issue: SPECPR-242Thomas Beale
- Add OPT XSD to ITS artifacts on baseline spec web pageSPECPR-237
- Add invariants to DV_COUNT and DV_QUANTITYSPECPR-201Resolved issue: SPECPR-201
- Multi-language support for the openEHR terminologySPECPR-200Resolved issue: SPECPR-200Ian McNicoll
- Definition of DV_ENCAPSULATED is incorrect (SIZE missing)SPECPR-98Resolved issue: SPECPR-98Thomas Beale
- XML Schema do not represent the RM very well. Review necessarySPECPR-93Resolved issue: SPECPR-93Sebastian Iancu
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