- Correct flattening for non-differential path overlaysAWBPR-48Resolved issue: AWBPR-48
- Add free text search to search all text of archetypesAWBPR-47
- Add "remove all templates" menu option or buttonAWBPR-46
- Popup "remove all templates" option before committing to git repositoryAWBPR-45
- Add a "create archetype" to the right click menuAWBPR-44Resolved issue: AWBPR-44
- Add "remove archetype" to right click menuAWBPR-43Resolved issue: AWBPR-43
- Change Template icons to distinctly differentiate templates from archetypesAWBPR-42
- EXAMPLE.bmm file kicking a warning - looks like syntax errorAWBPR-41Resolved issue: AWBPR-41
- Error running 'adlc -s' on fresh installAWBPR-40Resolved issue: AWBPR-40
- add an icon or other visual indication at the ELEMENT tree level that corresponds to the data type deeper inside the ELEMENT,AWBPR-39
- before/after ordering where original node id specified - not workingAWBPR-38Resolved issue: AWBPR-38
- Right click archetype and save templateAWBPR-37Resolved issue: AWBPR-37
- Tuples that use pathsAWBPR-36
- RM-level coded properties need BMM supportAWBPR-35
- Natural language view doesn't work for ADL 1.4 paths tabAWBPR-34Resolved issue: AWBPR-34
- Right click 'display in path map' doesn't work if natural lang view of paths chosenAWBPR-33Resolved issue: AWBPR-33
- Template flattening hangs with CIMI templatesAWBPR-32Resolved issue: AWBPR-32
- Right-click on external reference should offer jump to target archetypeAWBPR-31Resolved issue: AWBPR-31
- Enable multiple sources for locating RM schemas (BMM files)AWBPR-30
- Fix inheritance colouringAWBPR-29Resolved issue: AWBPR-29
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Correct flattening for non-differential path overlays
Thomas Beale
Thomas BealeOriginal estimate
Affects versions
Created October 16, 2014 at 12:18 AM
Updated September 19, 2017 at 10:03 AM
Resolved September 19, 2017 at 10:03 AM
Parent archetype:
If a differential archetype contains text of the form:
The proper implication of the overlay should be that it is a replacement from items down, i.e. that the result looks like the child archetype block.
If instead of 'items' it had '/items' then a proper overlay of the child structure on a copy of the parent structure should occur.
Currently the flattener does the latter kind of overlay even with 'items' as the attribute name.