- missing param in TERMINOLOGY_ACCESS.rubric_for_code, all_codes() wrong return type and other typos.SPECPR-456
- change_control.ORIGINAL_VERSION_CLASS attributes have same name as inherited class functionsSPECPR-455
- Invalid function signatureSPECPR-452
- data_types.quantity.DV_ABSOLUTE_QUANTITY model optimizationSPECPR-447
- Improve modelingSPECPR-446
- For DV_SCALE /DV_ORDINAL, make value attribute optional not mandatorySPECPR-442
- Add 'Role/ note' and 'other_details' to PARTY_IDENTIFIEDSPECPR-440
- Typos in Data Structure specificationSPECPR-416Sebastian Iancu
- common IM spec refers to RELATED_PARTY class instead of PARTY_RELATEDSPECPR-385Resolved issue: SPECPR-385Thomas Beale
- Code for 'episodic' clashes with 'laboratory' in openEHR terminologySPECPR-367Resolved issue: SPECPR-367Sebastian Iancu
- Proposal to change "ontology" section name to "vocabulary"SPECPR-82Resolved issue: SPECPR-82
- Simplify RM by reducing or removing ITEM_STRUCTURE packageSPECPR-73
- Typo in AOM specification 1.1 duplicated EXPR_ITEMSPECPR-71Resolved issue: SPECPR-71Thomas Beale
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