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Document status: CPB Minutes

Meeting Date: 25th April 2024

Meeting Time: 9:00-10:30 GMT

Location: Online, via Zoom

Agenda:2024-04-25 Meeting agenda

CPB: Clinical Program Board
CPXP: Clinical Program Expert Group
CKA: Clinical Knowledge Administrator (role in the Ocean’s openEHR CKM)
ADL: Archetype Definition Language


  • Paul Miller (CPB co-chair),

  • Vanessa Pereira (CPB co-chair),

  • Sebastian Garde (CPB)

  • Heather Leslie (CPXP)

  • Silje Bakke (CPXP) -

  • Andjela Pavlovic (CPB)

  • Vebjørn Arntzen (CPXP) -

  • Wouter Zanen (CPB)

  • Heidi Hoikkalainen (CPB) 

  • Jill Riley (openEHR International Board)

  • Sharon Gibson (CPB Admin support)

  • Rachel Dunscombe (openEHR int CEO)

Invited but could not be present (with apologies):

  • John Tore Valland (CPXP)

  • Kanthan Theivendran (CPB)

  • Tara Bonet (CPB)


  • Joost Holslag (CPB)

  • Anjali Kulkarni (CPB)


  • John Tore Valland (CPXP) Kanthan Theivendran (CPB) Tara Bonet (CPB) 

Minutes content:

  1. Welcome

Paul welcomed members of the group and explained that the group now has admin support from Sharon Gibson.

  1. Introductions

Sharon was welcomed as a new member and introduced herself to the group. Member introductions followed.

Vanessa asked if Darin Leonhardt (CKA of HighMED group) could attend the meeting as a guest. There were no objections from members.  

  1. Minutes and actions from 2024-02-162024-02-16 Meeting minutes

  • Approval of minutes: approver Sebastian / seconder Heidi

  • Risk Register – Not yet completed. Co Chairs have this open for action. All Members can also access this and contribute.   ACTION-CM/VP CPB-37 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • CKM governance – No further work has been done on this as it was overtaken by work on CKA. Paul previously worked on CKM governance openEHR UK and has a template which could be used to inform the new document.

  • Enable all CPB on Atlassian - Paul has worked on this and asked members to check that they can access Jira and Confluence, have individual accounts and are in the team on Confluence. Members tested their access to the CPB Jira board. CM and VP will liaise with Sharon to ensure all members have access and are set up as a team. CPB-34 - Getting issue details... STATUS ACTION-PM/VP/SG

Darin Leonhardt joined the group at this point and briefly introduced herself.

Paul explained formal route to joining the group if she wished to do so.

  • Membership update

1-to-1s with Co Chairs– Paul suggested that this is put on hold for a few weeks ACTION-PM/VP later in Spring. CPB-40 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Update Bios and add new members – Sharon to check that Bios and group details are up to date on website and we have correct contact details for members. ACTION-SG CPB-44 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Chairs update - Ontoserve meeting outcome- Rachel updated progress. Awaiting Snomed licensing but Onto is live and an orientation session is planned. John Meredith is leading on this. An email will be circulated shortly. Paul asked about how it would be used, citing an experience he has had of Onto server. Rachel responded that it will not be used for live deployments but can be used for development and testing. In the Uk Dedalus will manage the server. CPB-36 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Wouter asked about authorisation set up.- Paul to contact Wouter directly.

Silje asked whether there are any specific limitations on requests, eg on number – Rachel answered that there are no limitations on number but all artefacts must display the Snomed clinical term licence and we must show guidance on our website for usage of Snomed CT and any additional content from snomed international. This will be clarified in an email. 

  1. Membership Update

  • Changes in membership – Jill announced that Karkinos have terminated their membership and that Anjali’s email is failing, but as she is no longer a member her position on CPB is no longer valid. It was suggested that although we currently have a good group, recruiting a member from an active group that could drive modelling would be an advantage.

  • Paul suggested that we clarify whether Joost intends to return after he stepped down as the third co chair last Autumn. Co chairs to contact Joost ACTION PM/VP 

  1. Clinical Knowledge Manager Lead role Clinical Knowledge Administrator Lead and Advert and Job Description

Paul asked the group whether all the contributions to this process had been taken into consideration. Vebjørn asked for clarification on whether the role would also include looking after onboarding of users and ‘tidying’ up the nonactive users. Also testing of the CKM tool new versions. Paul agreed that current membership needed tidying up and this might fall into the CKA lead remit although would not be priority. He suggested that user management is mentioned in the JD and Vebjørn agreed. Testing was more problematic and not necessarily part of the CKA’s job role however the release schedule and new release functions and features would be.

Sebastian added that testing is already carried out comprehensively and CKMs often work together. A long time is taken on this. He felt that streamlining to achieve more releases was important and adding another layer of testing would not be of benefit to the time frame. He agreed that user management was of secondary importance to other aspects of the JD but could be a quick win for someone starting in the role.

Silje contributed to the discussion and again pointed out the amount of time additional testing would take but felt that there should be something somewhere in the organisation about carrying out functional testing before deployment. She felt that the lead CKA should not be performing testing but part of their responsibility is ensuring that someone does it at an optimal level and that this is noted in the JD.

Paul acknowledged the importance to the group of this new emphasis and suggested that within the statement in the JD on ‘manging impact, updates and changes to tooling’ there is a broad recognition of the responsibility to ensure that tooling works. This would probably be delegated to CPB or a wider group of CKAs. Paul also seconded Siljes point that useful tasks for the CKA would be to ensure new functions are highlighted to the community and verified as doing what they say they do. Paul asked this to be captured in the CPB minutes so that this requirement is addressed in the coming months. ACTION SG/CPB/EP.

Paul asked all CPB and EP members look again at the Advert and JD and make comments, by email or confluence, regarding amendments by the close of the business Friday 3rd May, even if this is just to comment that they have read it and agree that it looks fine and they are happy with it. ACTION CPB/EP members CPB-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The final JD will be approved by the Board on the 15th May.

Paul expressed that having the CKA in place will make a big difference to the work of the CPB and that the groups ways of working will evolve because of the dedicated time and expertise brought by this role. They will report directly to the CPB and the CPB will represent the community. He also pointed out that one of the first priorities for the CKA lead will be to establish what work needs to be done and to scope this out regarding resourcing. 

  1. CPB and Working Group updates

  • CPB -The new admin support role is going to relieve pressure on the chairs and free up time for more work for CPB.

  • Working Groups – Silje contributed to CKM coordination group whose intent is to coordinate approach to things eg modelling patterns and ways to make the interaction between the different levels work effectively. Meetings are currently held on request when a member wishes to raise an issue so the last meeting was in February 2024. Silje felt that meetings driven by requirement were more useful to this group.

  • Heidi suggested that to get to know what different groups are working on, a good starting point would be to use the International Archetype Editorial Collaborations page on Confluence. International archetype editorial collaborations This could then provide a focus for working groups.

  • Paul pointed out the need for admin support for working groups. Currently Sharon’s focus needs to be CPB but he wanted to look at what resources are available for this. Also, he felt there was no need to change ways of working, rather these need to be tightened. 

  1. CKA – deferred to next meeting. 

  1. Scheduling of meetings

Frequency and timing of meetings. Options include shorter meetings every two weeks and alternating morning and afternoon times. Reasons for this would be for gaining momentum for the group, including more members, and providing different times of day as we have a global membership.

After much discussion it was decided to continue to meet monthly. Co chairs would also meet monthly with Sharon.

Heather suggested a doodle poll to find the best time for members before a fixed time is decided. A fixed time would be better to encourage a regular commitment that would be protected time for CPB/EP. Paul suggested a questionnaire as a starting point rather than a poll to find the best time for everyone. Andjela suggested that we set a week of the month (first, last week). Heidi thought it might work better to ask when members are not available.

A brief questionnaire will be sent out shortly. ACTION SG/JR/PM/VP CPB-45 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

  1. AOB

Process for performing the publication of an archetype in the international CKM. - Silje explained that one of the new groups running reviews in the international CKM had published an archetype without consultation. She felt a written procedure was needed on what a group should do before publishing an archetype following review and who should make that decision. Some members had discussed this and thought that this should be the job of the CKA.

Paul asked that this be tracked on the next agenda so that there is more time for discussion and that a brief working group to define the process would be useful. ACTION SG CPB-46 - Getting issue details... STATUS  

  1. Date of next meeting- 29-05-2024 10am-11.30am BST

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