CPB Ways of Working
This page describes the normal ways of working for the CPB covering:
Internal communications
Documentation relating to meetings
Other documentation
File storage and sharing
Task management
Meeting schedule
Applies to CPB members, CPB co-chairs and CPB Expert Panel members.
All members in scope will be added to the private CPB category on openEHR Discourse. Discourse administrators and CPB administration support will manage this membership. If you think you should have access please contact @Jill Riley or any of the current co-chairs.
All communications relevant to the CPB will be be made via Discourse or linked from there.
Members should make sure they receive notifications or e-mails from CPB Category to keep up with any issues.
We recommend that members ensure their Discourse settings are set, at least, to ‘watching’ for this category, as below:
Documents relating to meetings, that is Agendas, Minutes and any associated papers, will be posted to Confluence.
As new documents are published to Confluence an associated post will be made to the CPB Category on Discourse.
If papers are considered sensitive and not suitable for open publication these will be shared in Discourse instead.
Minutes and agendas that are in DRAFT will have access rights constrained to CPB and CPB Expert Panel members only.
Approval of minutes
Minutes from a meeting shall be published with a ‘Draft -for approval’ status in confluence. At the subsequent meeting if minutes are approved by the members their status shall be changed to ‘Approved’.
Other documents and files
Documents of relevance to the groups which are not related to meetings can be kept in a shared Google Drive managed by the CPB Administrator. Current contact comms.openehr@gmail.com if you need access.
All CPB and CPB Expert Panel members will have ‘Editor' access to this folder.
Task Management
Tasks for the CPB will be managed via Jira, with separate Boards created as needed for particular subgroups.
Proposed: A Jira Board is created for the CPB.
Meeting schedule
The CPB meetings are held on the second last Tuesday of each calendar month. Duration is 90 minutes. Time is normally 10:00-11:30 CET but this can vary to accommodate members living in other time zones.
CPB Co-chairs other ways of working
The CPB co-chairs and the CPB administrator will maintain other communications channels as needed for managing the work of the CPB. Currently this is a Signal group chat, and there is no dedicated admin support.