IANA URN namespace application for openEHR
IANA URN namespace application for openEHR
Background to application suggestion, see DV_EHR_URI related issues The intent of the application is to get openehr
listed in https://www.iana.org/assignments/urn-namespaces/urn-namespaces.xhtml and create a reference document (like the ones listed there) describing how to use what follows after urn:openehr:
This page was created by @Erik Sundvall to enable collaboration regarding filling out the registration template found in Appendix A of RFC8141. Once agreed by openEHR SEC, the plan is to submit it to IANA. Instructions on how to fill out are available in Section 6.4 of RFC8141
Registration Template
Namespace Identifier: openehr
Version: 1
Date: 2024-11-..
Registrant: openEHR International
The person or organization that has registered the NID,
including the name and address of the registering organization, as
well as the name and contact information (email, phone number, or
postal address) of the designated contact person. If the
registrant is a recognized standards development organization,
scientific society, or similar body requesting the fast-track
registration procedure (see ), that information should
be clearly indicated in this section of the template.
Purpose: Described in of this document.
Syntax: Described in of this document. Unless the
registration explicitly describes the semantics of r-components,
q-components, and f-components in the context of this URN
namespace, those semantics are undefined.
Assignment: Described in of this document.
Security and Privacy: Described in of this document.
Interoperability: Described in of this document.
Resolution: Described in of this document.
Documentation: A pointer to an RFC, a specification published by
another standards development organization, or another stable
document that provides further information about this URN
Additional Information: Described in of this document.
Revision Information: Description of changes from prior version(s).
(Applicable only when earlier registrations have been revised.)
, multiple selections available,
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