Ocean Informatics EHR Service Interface

Ocean Informatics EHR Service Interface


The interface below is the current EHR service interface for the back end EhrBank component, within the Ocean Informatics openEHR-based EHR product.

StatusThis specification below is essentially complete, but some small details may be changed over time.

Design Concept

The service specified below is a coarse-grained, stateless service interface to an openEHR data store. EHRs are committed in Contributions, and accessed either as individual Compositions or via AQL Queries. The corresponds to a thin client calling a web service.

Paths and URIs

To be continued


To be continued


Authentication is assumed to have taken place before any of these calls are made.

To be continued

Exception handling

Currently exceptions (e.g. user not authenticated etc) are not defined as part of this interface, but they could be.

To be continued


EHR Management




Create EHR

HierObjectId CreateEHR(EhrStatus ehrStatus, AuditDetails commitAudit)

ehrStatus: EHR status details of the new EHR, this may include the subject external reference
commitAudit: Commit audit details of the EHR creation including the committer
EHR identifier

Find EHR

HierObjectId FindEHR(PartyRef subjectExternalRef)

subjectExternalRef: subject external reference
EHR identifier

Get EHR Status

Version<EhrStatus> GetEHRStatus(HierObjectId ehrId, string versionTime)

ehrId: EHR identifier
versionTime: optional value representing the time of the latest version to be used in the query mnemonic (e.g. LATEST_TRUNK_VERSION) or date/time, default is LATEST_TRUNK_VERSION
Version of EhrStatus at specified version time

EHR Contributions




Commit Contribution

void CommitContribution(
    HierObjectId ehrId, AuditDetails commitAudit, OriginalVersion[] versions)

ehrId: Identifier of EHR to which the versions will be committed
commitAudit: Commit audit details of the EHR contribution including the committer
versions: list of original version objects being committed to an EHR, type of version data may be different to other items in list





Find Compositions

ResultSet FindCompositions(
    HierObjectId ehrId, string[] compositionPaths,
    ArchetypeId compositionArchetypeId, string[] compositionCriteria)

ehrId: Identifier of EHR to which the versions will be committed
compositionPaths: List of item paths within a composition to be returned in results
compositionArchetypeId: optional composition archetype ID
compositionCriteria: optional list of composition criteria as item path comparision expressions (e.g. context/start_time > '20120101')
The result set containing composition path column definitions and rows of items for each column

Get Composition

XVersionedObject<Composition> GetComposition(HierObjectId objectId)

objectId: Composition objectId (Versioned Composition UID)
Versioned composition with all versions

Get Composition

Version<Composition> GetComposition(HierObjectId objectId, string versionTime)

objectId: Composition objectId (Versioned composition uid)
versionTime: optional value representing the time of the latest version to be used in the query mnemonic (e.g. LATEST_TRUNK_VERSION) or date/time, default is LATEST_TRUNK_VERSION
Version of composition at specified version time

Get Composition

Version<Composition> GetComposition(ObjectVersionId versionUid)

versionUid: Composition version UID
Version of composition with specified version UID

EHR Queries




Execute Query

ResultSet ExecuteQuery(string queryStatement, string versionTime)

queryStatement: AQL statement
versionTime: optional value representing the time of the latest version to be used in the query mnemonic (e.g. LATEST_TRUNK_VERSION) or date/time, default is LATEST_TRUNK_VERSION
The result set containing optional column definition and rows of items for each column

Data Structures


XML schema data view
 <xs:complexType name="ResultSet">
   <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="name" type="xs:string" />
   <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="totalResults" type="xs:int" />
   <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="columns" nillable="true">
      <xs:element name="name" type="xs:string" />
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="path" type="xs:string" />
   <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="rows">
      <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="row">
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" name="items" nillable="true" />
C# / Java

The following is C#.Net code, the Java code will be very similar, with different ancestor classes providing iteration / list capabilities.

// a ResultSet has a name, a count of rows, its definition (list of columnDefs), and the row data
public class ResultSet
    string Name { get; set; }
    int TotalResults { get; set; }
    ResultColumnDef[] Columns { get; set; }
    ResultRow[] Rows { get; set; }

// the definition of the result set as a logical set of columns,
// mapped to archetyped data structures via paths
public class ResultColumnDef
    string Path { get; set; }    // an archetype or RM path
    string Name { get; set; }    // name of the column in this result set

// a row object from which cell objects can be obtained,  via either an integer index (0-based) or the column name
// Here, 'object' is the 'Any' object of the programming language; it can be anything from a String, Integer etc,
// to a DV_CODED_TEXT or other openEHR Data type, to an Observation or Composition, from the main openEHR RM.
// What the objects are is completely dependent on what the query paths refer to.
public class ResultRow
    object[] Items { get; set;}
Modes of access

Data in a ResultSet can be accessed in the following ways.

ResultSet results;

results.Rows[0].Items[0]                 // first row, first cell
results.Rows[5].Items[13]                // 6th row, 14th cell
results.Rows[0].Items["name/value"]      // first row, 'name/value' column