- AM 1.4 XML Schema: wrong minOccurs for C_PRIMITIVE_OBJECT.itemSPECPR-432
- Idea: reduce all intervals in the OPT XML to a String notation like [0..*)SPECPR-431
- Null flavour is optional in specifications but mandatory in XML SchemaSPECPR-400Resolved issue: SPECPR-400Severin Kohler
- Discrepancy in DV_IDENTIFIER definition in specficications and the XML SchemaSPECPR-399Resolved issue: SPECPR-399
- EHR and CONTRIBUTION need a rm_version property in JSON and XML schemasSPECPR-396
- XML schema for VERSIONED_OBJECT: remove versions elementSPECPR-375Sebastian Iancu
- archetypenodeid pattern in basetypes.xsd needs to be relaxedSPECPR-340Sebastian Iancu
- Add OPT XSD to ITS artifacts on baseline spec web pageSPECPR-237
- Create spec for OPT1.4SPECPR-231
- Problems with paths to ISM_TRANSITION, need of archetype_node_idSPECPR-222
- Add invariants to DV_COUNT and DV_QUANTITYSPECPR-201Resolved issue: SPECPR-201
- spelling error in specifications-ITS/AOM2/XML-schema/Resource.xsdSPECPR-164Resolved issue: SPECPR-164Sebastian Iancu
- Some classes are missing from XML-schemaSPECPR-122Resolved issue: SPECPR-122Sebastian Iancu
- XML-schema typo for Entry.workflow_idSPECPR-121Resolved issue: SPECPR-121Sebastian Iancu
- Add demographic model XSDSPECPR-120Resolved issue: SPECPR-120Sebastian Iancu
- Specify ACCESS_ CONTROL_SETTINGS and a concrete subtypeSPECPR-115Thomas Beale
- VERSION commit in XMLSPECPR-105Thomas Beale
- Definition of DV_ENCAPSULATED is incorrect (SIZE missing)SPECPR-98Resolved issue: SPECPR-98Thomas Beale
- XML Schema do not represent the RM very well. Review necessarySPECPR-93Resolved issue: SPECPR-93Sebastian Iancu
- BaseTypes.xsd does not support New Zealand summer time zoneSPECPR-68Resolved issue: SPECPR-68Sebastian Iancu
- Structure.xsd allows ELEMENT value and null_flavour to be optionalSPECPR-67Resolved issue: SPECPR-67Sebastian Iancu
- BaseTypes.xsd allows ISO8601DateTime T separator as optionalSPECPR-66Resolved issue: SPECPR-66Sebastian Iancu
- BaseTypes.xsd allows empty values in element that have an not empty Invariant in RMSPECPR-65Resolved issue: SPECPR-65Sebastian Iancu
- Archetype.xsd uses xs:anyURI in CONSTRAINT_BINDING_ITEM value, which is too strict to support AM specificationSPECPR-47Sebastian Iancu
- Minor problem in Iso8601DateTime pattern defintion in XML-SchemaSPECPR-43
- Property "magnitude" of DV_COUNT should be an Integer but it is a long in XML-SchemaSPECPR-42Resolved issue: SPECPR-42Rong Chen
- Inconsistent specification of X_VERSIONED_OBJECT.owner_idSPECPR-37Resolved issue: SPECPR-37Thomas Beale
- openEHR RM schema doesn't include EHR_STATUS and EHR_ACCESSSPECPR-26Resolved issue: SPECPR-26Sebastian Iancu
- Inconsistency between specifications and XSD schemas for DV_AMOUNT and DV_TEMPORALSPECPR-20Resolved issue: SPECPR-20Sebastian Iancu
- XML-schema not available for openEHR terminology xml file.SPECPR-3Resolved issue: SPECPR-3Ian McNicoll
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