Invitation to Join the Clinical Program Board

Invitation to Join the Clinical Program Board

We are hereby soliciting nominations to join the openEHR Clinical Program Board.

(original call ended 4 December 2022)

UPDATE 09 Dec 2022: The openEHR International Board has decided to:

  • delay the formation of the Clinical Program Board until late Jan 2023. This is due to a) the large number of applications received, including from a significant number of individuals new in the community and b) requests from various organisations that have potential nominations but have not been able to organise applications in time;

  • continue to accept nominations until approximately mid-January. These may be made via the original method, described below.


The openEHR Clinical Program is being established by openEHR International, and will be managed by the Clinical Program Board (CPB), along with a Clinical Program Experts Panel (CPXP). The description of the Program may be found here. Its formal Terms of Reference is available here.

Formally creating the Program Board involves the following steps:

  • an open request for nominations for the CPB, lasting two weeks;

  • a one week period to process nominations and to create the CPB, initially consisting of 7 members;

  • establishing the Clinical Program Board as a formal part of openEHR International.

What does the Clinical Program Do?

The primary aim of the openEHR Clinical Program is to establish openEHR clinical models as an internationally available authoritative source of healthcare data semantics for users of any EHR architecture or interoperability standard, including openEHR.

This page describes the scope of the Program.

The current priorities of the Program are described here.

Who can Nominate?

We aim to create a board initially consisting of 7 members that is sufficient to function independently, address initial business and bring more members on board over time.

Anyone who has relevant qualifications and is interested in participating in the Clinical Program should nominate. The qualifying criteria can be found in section 6 of the Terms of Reference. We are not only interested in clinical model authors, but experts in other areas, such as knowledge management, field use of clinical models, tooling and modelling methodology.

Why only 7 Initial Members?

As with the establishment of any new part of an organisation, there will be an initial phase where scope-setting and review of priorities needs to occur. A large initial board is likely to face challenges with self-organisation, whereas a smaller group will be able to focus better. The openEHR International Board would therefore like to leave the longer term membership of the Program to the CPB.

What if there are too many Nominations?

We hope there are! All nominations will be retained by the initial CPB to find new people to invite to the Program as it grows over time. If you are not included on the Board initially, don’t worry, you can be nominated at any time in the future.

What are the Initial Tasks of the Clinical Program Board?

These are described here. However new CPB members may of course propose other activities.

I have other Questions, where can I ask them?

Please feel free to post a comment on this wiki page.

How do I Nominate?

Please use this Google Form. Nominations for the current call close 04 Dec 2022.


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