2024-07-22 SEC Call notes


Jul 22, 2024

Call Link

Discourse SEC calls


  • @Sebastian Iancu

  • @Severin Kohler

  • @Joost Holslag

  • @Mattijs Kuhlmann

  • @Borut Jures

  • @Jake Smolka

  • @Diego Bosca

  • @Seref Arikan

  • @Bostjan Lah

  • @Sebastian Garde

  • @Shinji Kobayashi

  • @Erik Sundvall


Discussion topics



Presenter/Suggested by





Presenter/Suggested by



Main Agenda

10 min



SEC Jira board.


15 min

Various aspects

@Sebastian Iancu

  • Conference UK Nov 2024 Connectathon

  • specifications Website

@Seref Arikan : be aware that for meeting on 4th Nov the location is “remote” so travelling at night might be an issue.

there is a new server since 23 Jul 2024, that runs specifications website, now using PHP8.1 & docker


OET (template) in the future

@Seref Arikan


see https://discourse.openehr.org/t/oet-replacement-some-help-requested-from-sec/5402/43

what is the future opt2?

  • is this the unit of deployment? Does Archie support parsing/processing this?

  • does AD support exporting this

  • adl2 → adlt2 → opt1.4 conversion?

  • if we will be able to deploy adls in CDR, will be still needed to work for the OPT

@Mattijs Kuhlmann Archie generates OPT2

@Bostjan Lah Question if CKM can support adlt2 as replacement for oet ; but we will need to support a packaging format (zip)

@Seref Arikan presented a draw.io diagram page with some questions and plans



@Joost Holslag

notes on conference topics: 

  1. Access Control - I think this could be good for the technical stream.

  2. care planning - I think this would be an excellent idea for the clinical stream.

  3. Federation -  coordinate with Erik and SEC

    1. WG, but probably not ready to present anything on Nov, Erik V. will not be present

    2. for research @Severin Kohler , for AQL @Seref Arikan has more questions then answers (but perhaps still good to ask)

  4. NL - this would be an excellent talk and could go into multiple streams - I would really welcome this as its very exciting progress

    1. @Sebastian Iancu this sounds like a good topic as showcasing NL affiliate

  5. FHIR collaboration

    1. WG, @Severin Kohler can present some practical things, or perhaps involve @Sidharth Ramesh/ Medblocks

    2. @Joost Holslag NL issues with ZIBs

  6. @Diego Bosca topic on real-data research

  7. @Sebastian Iancu SMART on openEHR & FHIR


UML & specifications





Demo/Hackathon/Connectathon for Conference in November

@Sebastian Iancu

The summary of the discussion is below and we would really like your take on this

  • IPS is a major driver - this is something we need a position on and the conference could be used to kick this off - it will also help with the EHDS

  • We felt there was a real SMART on openEHR angle too

  • As a result we felt this was both a connectathon and a hack with 2 streams

  • We felt Better/Cambio/Vita (and others please let us know who) should be approached to provide CDR capability

  • An idea might be showing IPS working across the CDRs and then a challenge to build a SMART on FHIR app over this

  • One of our likely speakers is a patient who has worked on the SMART on FHIR IPS patient app so this would fit in well

  • On the second day of the conference near the end we can have a main stage slot to review the progress

  • it will take a lot of SEC members time during conference to fully attend and support a live hackathon,

  • it is a good idea but requires resources, preparations, infrastructure, scenarios - SEC should not be the one responsible

  • SEC would rather support DEMOs instead of a hackathon

    • We suggest having a hackathon or connectathon some other time - not during conference

  • Suggests also:

    • Federation (EY) as demo

    • CarePlan modelling perspectives as discussion topic

15 min

ADL Formalism

@Joost Holslag

Could we discuss adl formalisms? Discussionion on discourse has been a bit all over the place. So I hope to focus a bit on the key stakeholders (modellers, CKM, AD and CDRs).



  • we should focus on semantics for 2.4

  • later we will discuss about syntax on later stage, after 2.4

  • a draft syntax might be gradually introduced, adding yaml



























Action items

start discourse page then meeting for packaging @Sebastian Iancu
propose quarterly joint meetings with CPB to discuss needs roadmap @Sebastian Iancu
@Sebastian Iancu will make Jira tickets to execute decision about retirement of some specs as per Berlin’s meeting
it will be nice to report on discourse on Berlin’s meeting.
SEC accepts Borut Jures as SEC Expert, @Sebastian Iancu should make formaties with Jill
propose SEC meeting 4th Nov (conference pre-day), @Sebastian Iancu needs to contact Jill.