

Date: Aug 26-30, 2019

Web site: http://www.medinfo-lyon.org/en/

Venue: Lyon, France

Register: http://www.medinfo-lyon.org/en/register

Hotel information:  http://www.medinfo-lyon.org/en/visitor/hotels/

Important dates

Nov 25, 2018Deadline for papers, posters, podium papers.
Feb 15, 2019Deadline for resubmissions.
Apr 1, 2019Deadline for resubmission after notification
May 7, 2019Early bird registration deadline
Aug 26-30, 2019MEDINFO 2019, Lyon France

The openEHR program at a glance...

Please list confirmed publications/panels/posters etc here

Date and venueType of SubmissionTopicPresentersAbstract

Aug 26 (Mo), 13:00 - 16:10

Room: Gratte Ciel 1

TutorialopenEHR clinical modelling 101H Leslie, JT Valand, SL Bakke, V ArntzenClinical modelling of data sets using the openEHR two level approach of archetypes and templates allows clinicians, informaticians and implementers to develop detailed data specifications that cater for clinical, professional, cultural and regulatory variance using standardised atomic data patterns, known as archetypes.
In this tutorial, four of the most experienced openEHR clinical modelling experts will be available to support participants to build their first openEHR template to represent a practical clinical data set, learning how to aggregate, constrain and configure archetypes to support data capture in a real-life clinical scenario.

Aug 27(Tu)

11:50 - 12:10

Room: Tête d'or 2

PaperCan openEHR represent the clinical concepts of an obstetric-specific EHR — ObsCare software?Danielle Santos Alves, Priscila A. Maranhão, Ana Pereira, Gustavo M. Bacelar-Silva, Tiago Silva-Costa, Thomas Beale, Ricardo J. Cruz-CorreiaObsCare is an obstetric-specific Electronic Health Record in use in nine Portuguese obstetric departments. Like other EHRs, it faces major challenges related to semantic interoperability and data quality. OpenEHR is proposed to address those needs. The study aimed to describe the data in ObsCare, the ObsCare care process workflow and to validate whether archetypes in the openEHR Clinical Knowledge Manager repository can represent the clinical concepts. The study included the phases: a) ObsCare form selection; b) Description of the workflow care process; c) Detailed data extraction; and d) CKM models analysis. 379 variables were analyzed: 219 were fully represented in CKM repository; 99 were partially represented and needed archetype modification; and 61 were not represented and need new archetypes. To conclude, our study showed that the openEHR CKM repository requires further enhancements to be able to fully answer to the needs of an obstetric-specific EHR, the ObsCare software.
Aug 27 (Tu) 18:10 - 20:10PaperMapping Medication Metadata from the ABDA Data Model to an openEHR Medication Archetype: A Qualitative AnalysisTobias Bronsch, Ruwen Böhm, Claudia Bulin, Björn Bergh, Bjoern Schreiweis

Aug 27 (Tu)

18:10 - 20:10

PaperExtending CQL with openEHR to express clinical quality indicatorsMengyang Li, Yunlong Zhi, Xudong Lu, Hailing Cai

Aug 28 (We)

18:10 - 20:10

PaperRepresenting rules for clinical data quality assessment based on openEHR Guideline Definition LanguageQi Tian, Zhexi Han, Jiye An, Xudong Lu, Huilong Duan

Aug 29 (Th)

11:50 - 13:10

Room: Tête d'or 1

PanelTowards Open Electronic Health Records and Data Reuse Networks: a Multinational Perspective on Current and Future OpenEHR ImplementationsL Ruiz, B Haarbrandt, SL Bakke, D Zhao, B Fabjan, I McNicoll, R Pedersen, J Bellika, X LuClinical data is a strategic asset for overcoming some of current healthcare challenges and advance towards the Learning Healthcare System. To that end, data needs to be understandable for various stakeholders and applications. Currently, several projects in Germany, Norway, China, Brazil, and Australia are relying on openEHR as an open standard for building open platform EHRs and also as a specification for enabling secondary use of clinical data. The panel will discuss the different strategies and lessons learned while implementing openEHR in different countries. In particular, it will cover the large adoption of EHRs to build open platforms avoiding vendor locking and the recent advances in using openEHR technologies for performing phenotyping queries and data-driven analytics.

Aug 29 (Th)

16:30 - 17:50

Room: Tête d'or 1

PanelopenEHR Clinical modelling

Heather Leslie (AU), John Tore Valand (NO), Carol Hullin (CL), Shinji Kobayashi (JP), Xudong Lu (CN)

Aug 29 (Th)

18:10 - 20:10

PosterConfiguration of input forms in EHR systems using spreadsheets, openEHR archetypes and templatesErik Sundvall, Annika Terner, Helen Broberg, Carrick Gillespie

Differences in structure and semantics of data captured using screen forms in different Electronic Health Record (EHR) products and configurations is the root cause of many interoperability problems. We present a workaround enabling reuse of openEHR archetype and template semantics to configure forms in four surveyed, insufficiently standardized, EHR-products used in Sweden (Cerner Melior, Cerner Millenium, Cambio Cosmic and CGM TakeCare). Data from EHRs was then exported and queried using standardized query mechanisms.

Aug 29 (Th)

18:10 - 20:10

PosterDesigning Archetype Models for each step of Workflow in MedicationShinji Kobayashi, et al.

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