MEDINFO 2015 - Sao Paulo, Brazil

MEDINFO 2015 - Sao Paulo, Brazil

Date: Aug 19-23, 2015


Register: http://www.sistemaparaevento.com.br/evento/medinfo2015/home 

Hotel information: http://www.seivaturismo.com.br/joomla/2013/site/medinfo2015/eng/eng3.html 

Conference Program: http://medinfo2015.com/#program

The openEHR program at a glance...

Date and venueType of SubmissionTopicPresenters 

Day 1, Aug 19

13:00 – 16:00,

Room 3


Enabling Clinical Data Reuse with openEHR Data Warehouse Environments


Luis Marco-Ruiza,b, Pablo Pazos Gutiérrezc, Koray Atalag (Deactivated)d, Johan Gustav Bellikaa,b, Kassaye Yitbarek Yigzawe

a Norwegian Centre for Integrated Care and Telemedicine, University Hospital of North Norway

b Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

c openEHR en Español, Asociación Chilena de Informática en Salud, CaboLabs

d University of Auckland and OpenEHR New Zealand

e Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science and Technology UiT The Arctic University of Norway


Day 2, Aug 20

09:00 – 12:00,

Room 4


OpenEHR Practical Approach: From Idea to Application


Samuel Fradeab, Borut Fabjanb, Anže Droljcb, Ricardo Cruz-Correiaa

a Center for Research in Health Technologies and Information Systems - CINTESIS, Faculty of Medicine of Univerity of Porto, Portugal

b Marand, Ljubljana, Slovenia






Day 2, Aug 20

13:00 – 16:00,

Room 3


Design and Implementation of Clinical Databases with openEHR.


Pablo Pazos, Koray Atalag (Deactivated) , Luis Marco, Erik Sundvall Sergio Miranda Freire (Unlicensed) 

Day 3, Aug 20

13:00 – 16:00,

Room 3


Validation of Minimum Data of Archetyped Telehealth Clinical Report for Monitoring Prenatal Care


Danielle Alves, Valéria Times, Magdala Novaes  
Archetype based patient data modeling to support treatment of pituitary adenomas
Claire Chalopin, Dirk Lindner, Stefan Kropf, Kerstin Denecke 

Day 3, Aug 21

11:30 – 13:00,

Room 11


An Information Paradigm Shift is Required to realise EHR Benefits


 Evelyn Hovengaa, Heather Graina 

aeHealth Education Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia


Day 3, Aug 21

11:30 – 13:00,

Room 6



The openEHR Developers' workshop




Shinji KOBAYASHIa, Pablo Pazos Gutierrezb, Koray Atalag (Deactivated)c, Sebastian Garded, Ian McNicolle, Erik Sundvall f,g

aThe EHR Research Unit, Kyoto University, Japan, bCaboLabs, cUniversity of Auckland, dOcean Informatics, eHandiHealth, fLinköping University, gRegion Östergötland


Day 3, Aug 21

12:42 –

Room 11


Towards the Implementation of an openEHR-based Open Source EHR Platform (a vision paper)



Pablo Pazos 

Day 3, Aug 21

16:30 – 18:00,

Room 11


Digital Patient Modeling and Clinical Decision Support


Kerstin Deneckea, Mario Cypko, Yihan Deng, Jan Gaebel, Claire Chalopina, Stefan Kropfa, Koray Atalag (Deactivated)b

a Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery, Leipzig

b University of Auckland, Auckland


Day 4, Aug 22


Room 9


Educating the Workforce for openEHR implementation



Evelyn Hovengaa, Heather Graina, Heather Leslieb, Ricardo Puttinic,Pablo Pazos Gutiérrez d, Silje Ljosland Bakkeef, Nadim Ananig

aeHealth Education Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

bOceanInformatics Pty Ltd, Chatswood, Australia & London, UK

cBrasilia Institute of Technology and Innovation, Brasilia, Brazil

dCabolabs, Medical Informatics, Montevideo, Uruguay

eE-health section, Bergen Hospital Trust, Bergen, Norway

fNational ICT, Bergen, Norway 

gHealth Informatics Centre, LIME, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden 


Day 4, Aug 22

11:30 – 13:00,

Room 9


Practical Use of Terminologies with Clinical Information Models 


Heather Leslie

Fabio Fonseca


Heather Graina, Heather Leslieb, e, Ricardo Puttinic,Jussara Rötzschd, e 

aeHealth Education Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia

bOcean Informatics Pty Ltd, Australia

cBrasilia Institute of Technology and Innovation, Brazil

 dGiant Global Graph Soluçőes em Saúde, Brazil; openEHR Foundation, International


Day 4, Aug 22

12:06 - 12:24

Room 10



Template and Model Driven Development of Standardized Electronic Health Records


Stefan Kropfa, Claire Chalopina, Kerstin Deneckea

a Innovation Center Computer Assisted Surgery, Leipzig


Day 4, Aug 22

13:00 - 14:30,

(Board 76)


 National governance of archetypes in Norway



 Silje Ljosland Bakkeab

aE-health section, Bergen Hospital Trust, Bergen, Norway

bNational ICT, Bergen, Norway 


Day 4, Aug 22

13:00 - 14:30,


Interoperable archetypes with a three folded terminology Governance


Rune Pedersen, Gunnar Ellingsen 

Day 4, Aug 22

15:24 –

Room 12


Case study: applying openEHR archetypes to Clinical Data Repository in a Chinese hospital



Lingtong Mina, Li Wanga, Xudong Lua* and Huilong Duana

a College of Biomedical Engineering & Instrument Science, Zhejiang University, China


Day 5, Aug23

13:00 - 14:30

(Board 5)


Restructuring EHR system and MML(Medical Markup Language) standard to improve interoperability by archetype technology


Shinji Kobayashia, Naoto Kumea, Hiroyuki Yoshiharab

aThe EHR research unit, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, bMiyazaki University Hospital, Miyazaki, Japan


Day 5,

Aug 23

13:00 -



Bridging the gap between Clinical Practice Guidelines and Archetype-Based Electronic Health Records: a Novel Model Proposal


Diego Garcia, Claudia Moro, Lilian Mie Mukai Cintho 
A Process for the Representation of openEHR ADL Archetypes in OWL Ontologies
Alex Mateus Porn, Leticia Mara Peres, Marcos Didonet Del Fabro 

Day 3, Aug 20


Semantic Interoperability in Clinical Decision Support Systems: A Systematic Review
Luis Marco-Ruiz, Johan Gustav Bellika 

Rule-based Cervical Spine Defect Classification Using Medical Narratives (classification stored in archetypes)



Yihan Deng, Mathias Jacob Groll, Kerstin Denecke 
 Sponsor Session

openEHR Medinfo Silver Sponsor Session

Ian McNicoll, Jussara Rötzsch 



Who's planning to attend?

Proposed Topics for tutorials / workshops - pre-submission deadline

Main topicSpecificsWho's Interested in talking about this?Notes
RepositoriesDatabase Schemas, Documents and Schema-less, Repo requirements, ...Pablo Pazos 
ServicesSOA, APIs, Integration, Querying, ...

Pablo Pazos

Thomas Beale

User InterfaceUI strategies, UI specification, autogeneration, desktop vs. mobile, usabilty, ...Pablo Pazos 
CDS / GDLGDL specification, evaluation, integration with EHR and UI (i.e. showing alerts or reminders),

Rong Chen (Unlicensed)
Iago Corbal

Konstantinos Kalliamvakos


Clinical ModellingRequirement analysis, Paper document analysis, high level modelling (techniques, tools, etc.), archetype modelling (versioning, specialization, combination, translation, terminology binding, ...), OPTs (archetype aggregation, removing nodes, adding constraints, ...)Heather Leslie (Deactivated) 
TerminologyTerminologies and subsets, bindings with openEHR archetypes and templatesHeather Grain, Heather Leslie (Deactivated) (Sam Heard) inactive (Unlicensed) 
SpecificationsInformation model, archetype model, template model, service model, new models and proposed improvements: ADL 1.5, simplifications to the entry/structure model, ...Thomas Beale 
Registries / Secondary UseUse of openEHR as the logical model for research and data linkages, clinical registries, dataset development, integration, reporting etc. Also multi-scale anatomy and physiological modelling linkages, semantic annotations etc.

Koray Atalag (Deactivated)

Luis Marco

Localisation / outreachLocalisation programme to propagate the openEHR circle to wider range. How to convince local stakeholders, governance and endorsement.Shinji Kobayashi, Koray Atalag (Deactivated) 
Education, trainingEducation materials. Web sites, slides, training programs, books, etc. Pablo Pazos, Nadim Anani 

Artefact governance

Methods and experience from the Norwegian national governance of archetypes and templates.  Silje Ljosland Bakke (Unlicensed) 
Building apps on an openEHR platformBuilding apps with javascript and RESTful APIs using the HANDI-HOPD SMART-on-FHIR-on-openEHR open standards platform.Ian McNicoll
Clinical Leadership

From involvement to engagement to ownership: The Clinician's role in openEHR.

 openEHR is a technical solution aimed at putting clinicians in the driver's seat How might clinicians claim or take up this role in settings where openEHR is being implemented? Taking the lead enables additional technology such as guideline definition to be based firmly on clinical requirements with clinical ownership

Sam Heard


Discussion Items

Aug 20, Thuas long as it goesopenEHR Dinner (place TBC)Everyone at MedinfoPlease RSVP to Koray Atalag (Deactivated)
TBDlunch / meeting?

Open Discussion: Bootstrapping openEHR Programs
Democratisation and community engagement

MB + Program Joint-Leads
Possibly others who are interested
Update after MB meeting on 12 Aug

Action Items


Evelyn Hovengaa,

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