
The openEHR community contributes papers, workshops and talks at many health informatics conferences. For details of what was presented at each conference please see the relevant page.

When adding new conference pages, use the template "Conference template".






Oct 2 - Oct 4, 2021

MEDINFO 2021 - online

July 7 - July 12, 2023

MEDINFO 2023- Sydney, Australia




openEHR contribution



openEHR contribution

Oct 10, 2019


Aug 26 - Aug 30, 2019

MEDINFO 2019 - Lyon, France

Tutorial, papers, workshops, posters

Aug 21 - Aug 25, 2017

MEDINFO 2017 - Hangzhou, China

Workshops, papers, posters

Apr 24 - Apr 26, 2017

MIE 2017 (Informatics for Health 2017), Manchester, United Kingdom


Aug 28 - Sep 2, 2016

MIE 2016 - Munich, Germany

Workshops, papers.

Aug 19 - Aug 23, 2015

MEDINFO 2015 - Sao Paulo, Brazil

Workshop, Papers

May 27 - May 29 2015

MIE 2015 - Madrid, Spain


May 10 - May 15, 2015

HL7 May 2015 International Working Group Meeting - Paris, France

Aug 31 - Sep 03 2014

MIE 2014 - Istanbul, Turkey


Aug 20 - Aug 23 2013

MEDINFO 2013 - Copenhagen, Denmark

Workshop, Tutorial, Papers

Aug 26-29 2012

MIE 2012 - Pisa, Italy

2 Workshops, Panel Discussion

Aug 28 - Aug 31 2011

MIE 2011 - SHI 2011 - Oslo, Norway

Tutorial, Wrokshops, papers etc

Sep 12- Sep 15 2010

MedInfo 2010 - Capetown, South Africa

Workshops, papers etc

Aug 31 - Sep 2 2008

HIC 08 - Melbourne, Australia#

Jun 30 - Jul 3 2008

IHTSDO 2008 Summer Conference - Birmingham, England#

May 25 - May 28 2008

MIE 2008 - Göteborg, Sweden

2 Tutorials

Aug 19 - Aug 23 2007

MedInfo 2007 - Brisbane Australia

9 Papers
5 Tutorials

Aug 27 - Aug 30 2006

MIE 2006 - Maastricht, Netherlands

Aug 20 - Aug 22 2006

HIC 2006 - Sydney, Australia

Aug 2005

HIC 2005 - Melbourne, Australia