Poster: Developing the first generally-available openEHR archetypes and templates for physiotherapy: an example of building clinical models and modelling capacity via student-led academic-industrial collaboration

Jamila Chihaba, Hildegard Frankeb, Ian McNicollb, a, Matthew W. Darlisona

a Institute of Health Informatics, University College London (UCL), London, UK

b freshEHR Clinical Informatics Ltd, Kettering, Northamptonshire, UK


We present the first openEHR archetypes and templates for physiotherapy, and the context of multidisciplinary academic-industry partnership that has enabled their production by a team led by a clinically-trained student on the UCL health informatics MSc programme.

Alongside the outputs of the work, we describe the journey from paper guideline to clinical models and the collaboration between disciplines, and suggest ways in which aspects of this approach might be harnessed to further build modelling capacity.


clinical models, openEHR, physiotherapy, collaboration